Oregon Coast: Newport to Florence

Our first “year two” travelogue takes us to the scenic Oregon coast. Starting in Newport, we worked our way down to the quaint little town of Florence, where we enjoyed a lovely seafood lunch and a delightful dessert of local ice cream.

The Oregon coast is rocky, with scenic intermittent lighthouses, two of which are shown here. Yaquina Head (near Newport) and Haceta Head (the more scenic one closer to Florence) are the two lighthouses shown here.

The other unusual attraction are the “lazy bums” of the coast — the sea lions, which you can see (and smell) up close and personal in Newport. The photos here show one playing in the water and another playing “king of the platform,” where he defends his space against any an all comers.

Ellen’s smile in the last picture came when she realized she was actually able to hike again. In all, she walked about two miles on this day, her longest walk without major knee pain in years.

I attempted to embed a short video of the sea lions so that you could hear the cacophony of noises they make all day, but was unsuccessful. I will attempt to add a YouTube link in a future blog.

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