One suggestion for RVers is to search out local festivals and take advantage of them. So when we came upon the Kerrville Renaissance Festival, we decided to check it out. We discovered it is basically a giant dress-up party and traveling performer fest, sort of a county fair vintage 1500. Little narration is required, as the pictures speak for themselves. It was in interesting day, but I have not yet convinced Ellen to go again and dress the part next time.
A Renaiisance Faire has to have the requisite battle scenes, colorful vendors, and of course, smoked turkey legs. There were magic acts, face painters, a combination juggler and fire breather, and almost continuous music. This Irish family troupe was my favorite. But the most interesting part has to be the costumes. What you see here is a small sampling of these. Ellen thinks if we were meant to be a medieval couple, we would have been born then. But several couples obviously got into the part. And I left out Friar Tuck, Jack Sparrow, the horse mounted musketeer, the bagpiper and the singing executioner… Maybe we’ll unfurl our wings and fly to another of these some day.