Italy to France to Greece — Fourth Try 2020 — CANCELED

Well, as the heading says, this is our fourth attempt to book a European trip in 2020. The first two were unilaterally obliterated by Coronavirus. The cruise portion of the third trip was likewise canceled by COVID, wiping our third attempt to visit Istanbul.

For the moment, no part of this trip is possible. Flights are suspended and US citizens are barred from all five of these countries (Italy, France, Greece, Croatia, and Montenegro). But there is potential light at the end of the tunnel. Some European countries are opening up to European visitors by mid-June, with the possibility of tourists from the USA later in the year. We have reservations for most of the trip, if it indeed becomes possible.

If it doesn’t happen, we will try again in 2021. and that trip will include yet ANOTHER attempt to visit Istanbul, since the third try was NOT the charm!

Update: As the heading indicates, the trip was canceled. We did a fall colors US RV trip instead. See that story in the USA Travel portion of the blog.