Crete is a very large Greek island with an interesting history. The apostle Paul was being taken to Rome as a prisoner. His boat stopped here, and made an ill-advised attempt to cross open water at an unseasonable time. A mighty wind blew them off course and they wound up being shipwrecked.
Our day in the beautiful port city of Chania, with its beautiful harbor lined all round with open air cafe, pleased us immensely. We met a Greek family visiting their college age son. We spoke no Greek and they spoke no English, but we managed to communicate, taking a picture for them and they for us.
We enjoyed a pleasant stroll through town, a delightful lunch, and snapped photos to our heart’s content.
Harbor is lined on both sides with outdoor cafes (all the area under the awnings). The Greek Orthodox Church dominates the center of town. Wow! Our guardedly friendly neighbors Something about a sailboat and a lighthouse… Great company and an excellent lunch in surroundings that can’t be beat. Don’t shop here if claustrophobia is an issue.