Istanbul to Paris — Third Try Fall 2020– CANCELLED!

Third time is a charm? We hoped so, but alas at least part of the trip is not to be. Twice we have tried to book a visit to Istanbul. Four years ago our first effort was aborted by an attempted coup that caused the cruise ship to re-route to other ports. Then earlier this year the corona virus outbreak scuttled our next attempt. So for the third time we tried to visit the ancient capital of the Eastern Roman empire and home of Hagia Sophia. Once again the cruise ship canceled, once again a victim of COVID.

Likewise we have made two attempts to expand our experiences in central and southern Europe in 2020. Both trips were scuttled by COVID-19. So when we planned our third (and final) 2020 adventure, we posed this question: “Apart from Istanbul, what sites do we most want to see?” The answer was easy: Cinque Terre and Paris.

Obviously, there are no guarantees that the COVID-19 situation will resolve in six months. But we are going to try, and with the simplest itinerary yet: a cruise, a week in Cinque Terre, a week in Paris.

Now that this one is cancelled, go to the next entry to see trip number 4. Will it happen? We will see…