Field of Dreams

The original Field of Dreams movie site is located in Dyersville, Iowa. It has been faithfully preserved and is now a tourist location, a little over 3 hours from Waukee, where we were visiting our son Ben and his lovely wife Cate.

Ben’s birthday and mine are three days apart, and we were there on the weekend before both birthdays. It so happened that the Field of Dreams was hosting a special event that weekend, called “dinner on the diamond,” an opportunity to eat a catered meal on tables set up in the outfield (appropriately socially distanced, of course).

In celebration of our two birthdays, we loaded up the family, including the beagle, and headed to Dyersville to enjoy the event. As you can see by the pictures, it was a beautiful evening in a delightful place. And it was a natural setting for some good family memory photos!