Fall Colors 2020

Part of our itinerary was based around seeing the fall colors in New England. The season normally runs between mid-September and mid-October, and we travelled through Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine during the center two weeks of that timeframe. As you can see, the fall colors were abundant, always colorful and occasionally brilliant. Sometimes we were early in the season for an area, sometimes late, but for the most part the timing was excellent.

To capture all of these scenes, we used a combination of cameras, including Ellen’s cell phone, which takes the best panoramas, my Nikon SLR, which is great for most things, and the drone, which captured the two overhead shots in New Hampshire. Sometimes we just had to use what was at hand. One of my photography classes said accurately, “the best camera is the one you have with you.”

What amazed us most were the density of the trees and the vastness of the colored areas. Although these pictures are lovely, 90% of the color that we saw was not captured by the camera, and will only linger in our memories.

My summary of the whole experience is that New England fall color is NOT overrated.