Ah, Dublin. The city of poets and pubs, of bridges and beer. Our day in port was spent on a hop-on-hop-off bus, with a tour guide who was more entertaining than any show I have ever attended. It included a lovely lunch in a quintessential pub, served Irish stew and a Guinness (I don’t like beer, but had to try it) while Irish jigs drifted through the air and we looked outside at the cold and damp. Even the waiter was a classic Irishman. A fan of American football, and particularly the Eagles, he teased me about ordering a sissy size beer, which is only appropriate for my sissy Dallas Cowboys.
I wouldn’t want to live here, but would visit again in a heartbeat.
Greeters on the dock welcomed us to Ireland. Where the bridges are works of art, like this one made to resemble a harp, mimicking the Irish insignia. And the beautiful hay-penny bridge, named for the fare one paid to cross. The red hair should have been a giveaway. This tour guide has a roguish humor that made the bus tour feel more like a couple of hours of stand-up comedy. He might be the funniest person we have ever met. Life revolves around the delightful pubs, with great food, and a fun atmosphere. Somehow beer and bad weather must turn you to poetry and books. Here is the gorgeous internationally famous library at Trinity College. Think Harry Potter… And they celebrate their famous writers, like Oscar Wilde And James Joyce, posing here with Ellen.